Prévious Activities
Posted on June 1, 2021 • 3 minutes • 500 words
Maison de la simulation
With the development of High Performance Computing infrastructures, we can now have access to supercomputers that makes possible major breakthroughs in various scientific domains. Such achievement requires adapted computational tools to these architectures.
My work was to provide an expertise, in terms of High Performance Computing, to projects that have awarded some hours on the Curie supercomputer through the PRACE program (and eventually the GENCI program).
I participated in these different projects to develop efficient massively parallel algorithms with some specific optimizations to the Curie system architecture. For each computing code, the objective is to stay robust, efficient and have a good scalability when we highly increase the number of cores.
AstroParticule et Cosmologie (APC)
I provided adapted numerical tools for the CMB data analysis by using efficient computational algorithms on massively parallel architectures. For this purpose, we develop the Midapack library, distributed under the LGPL license (see download section). For example, this gives all the tools we need to solve a Maximum likelihood mapmaking problem for the CMB with a huge amount of data distributed all over the processors.
ENS de Cachan
Modélisation des écoulements compressibles en fluides monophasiques ou diphasiques par la méthode VFFC (Volumes Finis à Flux Caractéristiques). Simulation numérique pour des écoulements compressibles à faible nombre de Mach. See more in the research section.
Thesis research at the ENS des Mines, Saint Etienne
“Méthode de discrétisation pour la modélisation par éléments analytiques en hydrogéologie quantitative. Application aux écoulements en régimes permanents et transitoires”. I worked on the Analytic Element Method developed for the Groundwater flows modeling. See more in the research section.
Numerical Analysis, Computational Science, High Performance Computing, Intensive Computing, Fluids Dynamics, Multiphase Flow, Environmental Modelling, Groundwater Flow.
Related Publications
F Dauvergne, JM Ghidaglia, F Pascal, and JM Rovarch (2008). Renormalization of the numerical diffusion for an upwind finite volume method. application to the simulation of Kelvin-Helmholtz instability. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium, Aussois, .
Frédéric Dauvergne (2006 12). Méthodes De Discrétisation Pour La Modélisation Par Éléments Analytiques en Hydrogéologie Quantitative - Application Aux Écoulements en Régimes Permanents Et Transitoires. Theses. Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Etienne.
Frédéric Dauvergne, Djamel Mimoun, and Didier Graillot (2003 11). Comparison between finite differences methods and AEM for groundwater modelling of a local aquifer in France (Loire). In: Fourth International Conference on the Analytic Element Method, Saint Etienne, France.
Frédéric Dauvergne, Didier Graillot, and Djamel Mimoun (2006). Comparison of the vector and the grid based approaches for the groundwater modeling. In: AIH International Symposium – Aquifer Systems Management -, Topics in Geological and Hydrogeological Modeling, Dijon, France.
Frédéric Dauvergne, and Didier Graillot (2006). Discretization support system for groundwater modeling based on analytic elements. In: 5th International Conference on the Analytic Element Method, ICAEM 2006, Manhattan, United States.
Djamel Mimoun, Frédéric Paran, Frédéric Dauvergne, and Didier Graillot (2006). Étude méthodologique du fonctionnement hydrologique et morphologique du fleuve pour la gestion des ressources en eaux superficielles et souterraines de l’Ecozone du Forez.